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Personal injury lawyers in Panama City have to deal with insurance companies a lot. It’s just part of the job. Truth be told, it’s not really one of the better parts of the job, though. Insurance companies are just that…companies. They are in business to make money, not to pay it out, even if the person making a claim is obviously entitled to it.

Unfortunately, it’s better for the insurance companies not to pay, which is precisely why there is a need for Panama City personal injury lawyers. The companies have a variety of methods they use to make sure that they are paying out as little as possible. One red flag is when the insurance company contacts you right away offering to settle your claim.

While it would be nice to see this timely response as just a matter of good customer service, the fact that personal injury lawyers come up against over and over is that it’s really a tactic used to get a victim to settle quickly and for a low amount. If you’re in a car accident on Tuesday, and the insurance company is calling you on Thursday with a settlement offer, there’s a good chance they’re trying to make a deal that works for them instead of for you. Be especially aware if they’re offering a “one-time only” offer. This is meant to create a sense of urgency in you so that you accept the offer and don’t come looking for more money.

Generally speaking, you’re going to be better off hiring a personal injury lawyer because he or she is familiar with the laws and regulations regarding insurance in Florida. An attorney with this background will also have insight into the types of tactics the insurance companies employ in order to save money.
