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Personal injury lawyers in Panama City have witnessed an incredible change in the types of accidents they see. While people used to be distracted by pretty views or conversation, we now have a new threat—the smart phone. Some people talk, others text, but perhaps strangest of all is the new phenomenon of taking selfies while driving.

“Selfies,” or pictures you take of yourself, have rapidly taken over the internet. People post them on social media sites and anywhere that they think they can show them off. Some are funny, some are tame, but it is a great way to be able to take and retake pictures until you get one that looks just how you want it to look. In fact, some people take dozens of shots and choose the best!

There is nothing wrong with a little vanity, and no personal injury lawyer in Panama City would say that taking photos is inappropriate. What it comes down to, however, is timing. There is a time and a place to take photos, and while you are driving is absolutely not one of them. You simply can’t focus on your phone and the road at the same time.

In our modern age we have access to an incredible amount of technology, and most of it is now in portable form. The lighting in a car can be beautifully diffuse, and the scenery gorgeous, so some people really like these “action shots” of themselves. The thing is, it is also incredibly dangerous to take selfies, or pictures of any kind, while you are driving.

Driving requires the utmost care and alertness when on the road. Anything that decreases your awareness of the drive is dangerous, and taking pictures of yourself while driving absolutely constitutes a distraction. In fact, using a phone for anything, including pictures, now falls under distracted driving laws in many jurisdictions. Take it from an accident lawyer in Panama City, you don’t want to explain to a judge why you got into an accident when it was all for a perfect self photo.

There are so many distractions on the road as it is. Other cars, pedestrians, traffic lights, and weather are just the tip of the iceberg. There is no need to add anything else, so wait to take that selfie. Find a pretty backdrop, pull over, and when the light is perfect and you have parked the car, take some great shots of your lovely face. Accident lawyers in Panama City would rather have you wait to click than cause a wreck.
