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It’s not too often that we experience winter weather here in the Florida Panhandle, but there are rare times like this week when the area is grazed by ice and snow.

Driving in such conditions can be extremely perilous. State and county road crews in the south simply are not prepared to deal with snow and ice the way our neighbors to the north are. In the absence of plows and salt trucks, drivers must take their own precautions when venturing out on the roads.

In the event of inclement weather in the Panhandle, here are some common sense tips to help you avoid an accident while driving:

1. Maintain a safe distance. The worst thing you can do when the roads are slick is come to a quick stop. Instead, maintain a safe distance so that you can slowly pump your break and come to a gentle stop at traffic lights, intersections and traffic pileups.

2. Turn into the spin. If your vehicle starts to slide, you must go against your natural instincts and turn into the skid. You should also avoid slamming on your break, as it may cause your vehicle to skid out further.

3. Break before entering a corner- Apply your breaks before entering a corner and slowly make the turn. Do not accelerate until you are through the turn. Otherwise you could lose control of the vehicle.

4. Be prepared- When winter weather is a possibility; fill up your gas tank before you hit the road. Should you become stranded due to unsafe road conditions or you get stuck behind someone else’s accident, having enough gas to keep your car running is a must. Having a cell phone charger for your car is also a wise idea in an emergency situation.

Finally, if you are in a snow or ice related accident, take extra precautions when moving your car safely to the side of the road. Remember, other drivers are struggling to maintain control too, and it’s not out of the question that they could hit you if you are in a bad spot. Contact 911 as soon as possible and maintain a safe distance off the side of the road while you wait for help.

For more information on steps to take following a snow-related accident or to discover your rights if you’ve had a car accident in the Florida panhandle, please feel free to contact our car accident lawyers in Panama city for assistance.
