The Senate has revealed a bipartisan proposal known as the Veterans First
Act that is directed at
reforming how things are done at the Veterans’ Administration. It
has been two years since most of the VA’s leadership resigned over
the scandal involving how our veterans are treated (or not treated as
the case may be) by the VA. With continuing unacceptable wait times for
both health care appointments and claims processing, a proposal that could
address these problems is long overdue.
The Veterans First Act would make changes in how to remove ineffective employees, protect whistleblowers, expand programs for seriously injured veterans to receive care in their homes, streamline care through Veterans Choice programs allowing certain veterans to get care outside a VA facility, enhance mental health care options, address the VA’s huge backlog of disability claims, and much more.
If you have a service connected PTSD claim pending with the VA and need assistance with an appeal for rating increase, contact Syfrett, Dykes & Furr. F:P:Site:Phone}. Our firm can evaluate your claim and help put the strongest available arguments to work for you.
For more information about the Senate’s Veterans First Act, visit
the Military Connections website at