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After a car accident (crash), people often worry about filing on their automobile insurance for fear their rates will be raised. In Florida, the good news is that is illegal. The link to the Florida Statute is below for you, but summarized the insurance company should not raise your rates if your accident involves any of the following situations:

  1. Lawfully parked;
  2. If you are reimbursed by the person who was at fault;
  3. If you are rear-ended and not convicted of a moving violation in the accident;
  4. Hit by a “hit-and-run” driver if the police are notified within 24 hours;
  5. Not convicted of a moving traffic violation, but the other driver was convicted of a moving traffic violation;
  6. Finally adjudicated not to be liable in court;
  7. Your traffic ticket was dismissed;
  8. You provide information, IN WRITING, establishing facts to the insurer that you were not at fault in the crash and it is not rebutted by information in the insurance companies file.

If you believe your case falls into one of these situations and you would like help on this or any other matter involving a car or motorcycle accident, then please feel free to contact us today at (850) 795-4979.

See the full Statute here.
